by Kozul & Jankovic
تولد واریانت ریشتر رائوزر در دفاع سیسیلی
مجموعه ای برای شما با واریانت تیغ تیز کوزال
توسط کوزال و یانکوویچ
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 317
ناشر:(Thinkers Publishing (2014
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
دفاع سیسیلی از جمله شروع بازی هایی است که تعداد واریانت ها و شاخه های منشعب از آن فوق العاده زیاد است که هرکدام نیز پیوسته در معرض تغییر و دگرگونی بوده و دایما مورد بررسی تئوریک عمیق اساتید شطرنج جهان واقع می شود. آموختن و یادگیری این شروع بازی از ارکان اصلی و اساسی همه شطرنجبازان قرن حاضر شده است.
The Richter Rauzer is one of the most complex and rich battlegrounds in the Open Sicilian. This book is the distillation of the authors' decades-long experience in this variation, offering a practical approach based on understanding and knowledge of typical ideas. It deals with the multiple variations that arise after 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 6. Bg5 e6 7. Qd2 a6 8. 0-0-0 Bd7. Do you wish to explore something double-edged and sharp, this book will leave you confident and fully armed to play for a win. Zdenko Kozul and Alojzije Jankovic teamed up here to present you a way to even throw your most experienced opponent off balance...
آموزش کامل سیسیلی دراگون
توسط دیوید ویگوریتو
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 323
ناشر: (Everyman Chess (February 21, 2012
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
آنچه در این مجموعه خواهید آموخت:
The Sicilian Dragon is undeniably one of the most popular and eagerly discussed chess openings. The main lines lead to tremendously complex positions in which both sides attack freely. One slip could be fatal, and a deep knowledge and understanding of the opening is often a decisive advantage. In this book David Vigorito focuses on all the critical Yugoslav Attack lines, examining the most important and instructive games in recent years and highlighting the main developments and novelties for both sides. Vigorito is well known for his opening expertise and his lucid explanations of the main plans and tactics will benefit all players.
by Danny Kopec
تکنیک های عملی وسط بازی شطرنج
توسط دنی کوپک
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 245
ناشر:(Kopec Chess Services (December 15, 2014
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
This book is aimed at the player who wants to improve his or her understanding of the most important middlegame concepts. It starts (Chapter 1) with mating patterns, tactics and combinations. Chapter 2 covers all the important themes related to Pawn Structure play. Chapter 3 moves to an unusual and important theme -- how and when are the conditions ripe to attack the opposing king? What conditions are destined to lead to success, and which will result in failure. Overall the book covers the topics often deemed the most important for success in the middlegame in chess: numerous unusual, original examples; beautiful tactical examples and themes; examples from Fischer, Spassky, Tal, Kasparov, and many other great players, as well Dr. Kopec himself. All important tactical themes are illustrated in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 covers very important themes related to pawn structures, including good structures, bad structures, and pawn structure methods. Finally, Chapter 3 covers important themes from real play illustrating how and when the conditions suggest that an attack on the King is appropriate. Practical Middlegame Techniques also covers (in Chapters 1 and 2) the material in two of Dr. Kopec's most popular DVD's: "How to Visualize Combinations" and "Pawn Structures and How to Play Them". Chapter 3 is entirely original material. It includes two spectacular postal games by Dr. Kopec spanning two years each and including two and three piece sacrifices. It also includes a spectacular win by Gary Kasparov over Boris Gelfand.
مدرسه شطرنج 4
توسط اسلوبودان میرکویچ
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 198
ناشر: BeoSing, 2011
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
مدرسه شطرنج 4 نشان دهنده مجموعه ای از کتاب های نوشته شده برای همه بازیکنان شطرنج که می خواهند در شطرنج پیشرفت کنند می باشد. این کتاب شامل سه بخش است:
1. آخر بازی رخ
2. دنیای شگفت انگیز ترکیب ها
3. انگیزه استراتژیک
Chess School 4 represents a continuation of the series of books written for all chess players who want to make progress in chess. The book consists of three parts:
1. Rook endings
2. Wonderful world of combinations
3. Strategic motives
by Colin Crouch
حمله های تکنیکی در شطرنج
توسط کالین کروچ
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 107
ناشر: Intl Chess Enterprises
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی وچاپ
When you obtain an overwhelming position in a chess game, do you always convert it to a full point? Without fail? Regardless of the strength and tenacity of your opponent? Be honest! If you do not, then your attacking technique could use some fine-tuning so that you can consistently polish off you opponents in style. This book will teach you a variety of ways to sharpen your attacking technique and ensure victory. It will show you how to exploit your opponent's weaknesses and force home your advantage. It explains when and how to exchange into a winning endgame, and describes how to launch standard attacks and handle desperation attacks. With many practical test positions to gauge you progress