حجم : 57 مگابات
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همراه ویدئوهای آموزشی شطرنج و بروز ترین مطالب آموزشی جهان
برای کم کردن حجم فایل های تصویری به صوتی تبدیل شده است و هیچ خللی در امر آموزش ایجاد نمیکند
گزارشی کامل درباره مسابقات بزرگ جهان
علاوه بر آن، دارای مطالب آموزشی در مراحل سه گانه شطرنج(تئوری شروع بازی،دامهای شروع بازی،آموزش حرکت به حرکت از دانیل کینگ،استراتژی،تاکتیک،آخربازی،تمرینات آموزشی)
برای باز کردن مجلات از نرم افزار chessbase یا فریتز استفاده کنید
Grand Prix Baku: Fabiano Caruana and Boris Gelfand in tandem, Evgeny Tomashevsky remains unbeaten, the Russian annotates his game against Radjabov; with a big opening special by Mihail Marin
Grand Prix Tashkent: The victors of Baku don't play a role, Dmitry Andreikin is the sole triumphator. He has analysed his fine achievement against Karjakin for ChessBase Magazine.
Grand Slam Final: Vishy Anand with a splendid start, he is first with one round to go. The Indian has annotated his white game against Vallejo.
European Cup Bilbao: The favourit team SOCAR remains invulnerable this time and wins all seven matches. With analysis by Adams, Harikrishna, Postny, Roiz, Sasikiran, Sutovsky.
Interactive training lectures: Dorian Rogozenco "Strategy", Oliver Reeh “Tactics" and Karsten Müller „Endgames“
13 new opening articles with ideas for your repertoire: from the Reti Opening to the King's Indian Defence!
Opening videos:
Williams: King's Gambit - 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Nc3
Marin: Queen's Gambit Cambridge Springs and the English Main Variation
Bojkov: King'sindian Defence - 5.f4 0-0 6.Nf3 e5!?
Opening surveys
Illingworth: Reti Opening A11
1.c4 Nf6 2.g3 c6 3.Bg2 d5 4.Nf3 g6 5.b3 Bg7 6.Bb2 0-0 7.0-0
This flexible setup allows one to decide at a later point whether to follow it up with d3 or with d4. Max Illingworth has studded his article with numerous rules of thumb so that it is to a great extent possible to avoid having to learn long theoretical variations.
Kuzmin: Benkö Gambit A58
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxb5 a6 5.bxa6 g6 6.Nc3 Bg7 7.e4 0-0 8.Nf3 Qa5
As Alexey Kuzmin explains, what we have here is a totally new approach to playing the Volga. Black does not want to take on a6 quickly in order to prevent White from castling with Ba6xf1. Instead of that he is even prepared to rapidly exchange his queen.
Stohl: Benoni A60
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 cxd5 5.exd5 b5
The Fianchetto Variation may not be reckoned the strongest way to fight the Modern Benoni, but nevertheless White does have chances of getting an advantage. So, with 5...b5!? Black is trying to go his own way at an early point; Igor Stohl investigates how dangerous that is for him.
Karolyi: Dutch Defence A83
1.d4 f5 2.e4 fxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Nc6 5.d5 Ne5 6.Qd4 Nf7 7.h4
Till now in this variation of the Staunton Gambit 7.Bxf6 was played – however it led to good results for Black. But as Tibor Karolyi demonstrates in his article, after 7.h4! Black has to face much greater problems. That represents a considerable upward revaluation of the move 2.e4.
Havasi: Modern Defence B06
1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.f4 a6 5.Nf3 b5 6. Bd3 Bb7 7.Be3
At first White develops naturally with Bd3 and Be3. But as Gergö Havasi demonstrates in his analyses, you would require good knowledge of the theory specific to this variation in order to really get an advantage in the long run.
Krasenkow: Sicilian B22
1.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.d4 e6
At the level of club players, the Alapin Variation 2.c3 is very popular. So Michal Krasenkow makes you acquainted with his own repertoire against it. Early on 4...e6 is a subtle move, since White can hardly reply 5.dxc5 (5...Qxd1+).
Sumets: French C11
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 c6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Be3 Qb6 8.Na4 Qa5+ 9.c3 b6
After the strongest continuation 10.Bd2 c4 11.b4 there are two quite distinct lines: 11...Qa6 and 11...Nxb4. Andrey Sumets’ investigations prove that the knight sacrifice has a greater tendency to give Black satisfactory play.
Antic: French C12
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4 5.e5 h6 6.Bh4 g5 7.Bg3 Ne4 8.Nge2
6.Bh4 provokes 6...g5, and White hopes to be able to go on and exploit the weakness. Dejan Antic deals with 8...h5 and 8...f5, before turning to the main move 8...c5. It appears that White cannot lay claim to any objective advantage.
Müller: King's Gambit C37
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Nc3
From the position in the diagram Black has several moves: 4...g4?!, 4...Bg7, the subtle 4...d6 and 4...Nc6, which leads to a position which is frequently arrived at via a transposition of moves. Karsten Müller introduces you to the subtleties and goes far beyond present theory.
Gormally: Queen's Gambit Accepted D24
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 a6 5.e4 b5 6.e5 Nd5 7.a4 e6 8.axb5
This is one of the sharpest variations of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted. By playing 7...e6 Black returns the pawn immediately. Daniel Gormally acquaints you with both continuations: 8...Bb4 and Miles’ 8...Nb6.
Postny: Grünfeld Defence D85
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.Bd2 Bg7 6.e4 Nxc3 7.Bxc3 0-0 8.Qd2
Nowadays 5.Bd2 is no longer a surprise way to meet the Grünfeld Defence. Evgeny Postny has worked intensively on the position in the diagram and come to the conclusion that there are several continuations for Black which give him a level game.
Marin: Nimzoindian E41
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3 Nc6 6.Nf3 Bxc3+ 7.bxc3 d6 8.0-0 e5 9.d5 Ne7
The so-called Hübner Variation (Mihail Marin mentions earlier games by Portisch in the 1950s) is not an easy one to defuse. Our Romanian author tries to do so with 10.Nd2 and in his extensive article he is able to show a slight plus for White.
Szabo: King's Indian E98
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Ne1 Ne8 10.Be3 f5 11.f3 f4 12.Bf2 h5 13.c5 g5
Krisztian Szabo is a specialist in this sharp variation, which can be characterised in brief as follows: White is better, but Black wins. So the risk factor is extremely high for both sides.
بعد ازپرداخت مبلغ در صفحه ای که مختص شما باز میشود بر روی لینک دانلود مستقیم با حجم 57 مگابایت کلیک کنید
لینک دانلود و رمز فایل فشرده به ایمیل شما نیز ارسال خواهد شد
منابع با زحمات زیادی تهیه و با کمترین قیمت به صورت اورجینال در اختیار شطرنجبازان عزیز کشورمان برای پیشرفت سریع قرار میگیرد برای حمایت از ما لینک دانلود را در اختیار دیگران قرار ندهید
دانلود دی وی دی کامل ChessBase Magazine Extra 162
full dvd
26.670 هزار بازی بین ماههای اوت و اکتبر 2014
شامل 4 ویدئوی آموزشی :
از شروع بازیهای روی لوپز -دفاع سیسیلی -هندی شاه و غیره
با آموزش استادان بزگ میخائیل چیشین-والری لیلوف-وغیره
26.670 games played between August and October 2014
Video training:
دو لینک برای دانلود گذاشتیم
لینک اول dvd کامل باحجم 296 مگابایت
لینک دوم کم حجم برای کاربران سرعت پایین با حجم 11 مگابایت
بعد از پرداخت مبلغ در صفحه ای که مختص شما باز مبشود میتوانید لینک های زیر را مشاهده کنید
دانلود لینک مستقیم فول دی وی دی با حجم 296 مگابایت
دانلود لینک کم حجم مسقتیم با حجم 11 مگابایت
لینک ها در یک فایل زیپ به ایمیل شما نیز ارسال خواهد شد
منابع با زحمات زیادی تهیه و با کمترین قیمت به صورت اورجینال در اختیار شطرنجبازان عزیز کشورمان برای پیشرفت سریع قرار میگیرد برای حمایت از ما لینک دانلود را در اختیار دیگران قرار ندهید
اینورماتور شطرنج 119 اورجینال همراه با سریال نامبر
برای اجرای اینفورماتور شماره 19 نرم افزار چس بیس یا چس بیس ریدر باید حتما نصب کنید
Chess Informant 119 Viking is largely dedicated to the newly crowned world champion, Magnus Carlsen. He’s the emerging global brand and the new face of our beloved game. We offer exclusive Carlsen photos inside Chess Informant 119, but for the cover we preferred the symbolism of a sailing drakkar boat. This newest installment of the Informant is all about red and blue that one can connect with the Norwegian flag, perhaps as additional evidence that Vikings are back in fashion.
“Magnus displays will-power, calculated risk and strong nerves to win the Zurich Chess Challenge 2014.” - GM Sarunas Sulskis concluded in his "Interception" column. Sulskis closely follows the new world champion throughout his first tournament as the official king of chess. Our Zurich "insider", WGM Anna Burtasova, colors heavily annotated games by Sulskis, including the Russian roulette between Carlsen and Nakamura, with interesting sideline notes about the event.
GM Suat Atalik, who sees the Norwegian as a new Fischer, annotates all ten games from the World Championship match Anand - Carlsen in Chennai. After each game FIDE press officer WGM Anastasya Karlovich was the first person who approached the players; just like in Zurich, once again we rely on female sensibility in discovering the spotlights and the photos behind the scene.
If there is a secret in Magnus’s success over Anand, GM Mihail Marin sees it in the new champion’s deep understanding of endings. The "Old Wine in New Bottles" column questions the known aphorism “all rook endgames are drawn”; Mihail analyzes two of Carlsen’s endings from Chennai and makes a parallel with some of the classic examples by Capablanca, Tarrasch and Korchnoi.
Outsiders’ beating the best is a pretty rare phenomenon but this time, at the European Teams Championship, we saw just that. German journalist and author Harald Fietz, our reporter in Warsaw, covers the Russia-Turkey match. All the heroes from the Turkish team (GMs Solak, Ipatov, Esen and Yilmaz) annotate their games in this David vs. Goliath encounter. In the continuation of the story, in his "No Fear" column, young Turkish (Ukrainian-born) star GM Alex Ipatov offers some memorable games that he witnessed or played at the very same event.
Still on the European Teams Championship, we will delve into the Advance Variation of the Caro-Kann which happened to occur in two games of the match between Romania and Russia. For all readers who like historical parallels, there will be a journey back to 1955, when there was a similar incident of "collective preparation" which resulted in three Soviet grandmasters wiping out their three Argentinean counterparts. By GM Suat Atalik.
GM Rafael Leitao won the Brazilian championship for the sixth time in his career. Still, he used his own success as a mere starting point in his "Bossa Nova" column, modestly dedicating it to the elaboration of an alternative way of preparing for games – one quite contrary to the computer-generated memorabilia attempts.
Legendary American GM Alex Yermolinsky is a welcome new columnist. In "Route 66 Chess" he will be driving over U.S. chess roads, and for the first one he reveals some of the best games from 2013 in his signature style. His choices for the inaugural column include games played by Shabalov, Troff and Shankland.
Another new name in the latest Informant is the top Greek player, GM Vassilios Kotronias. Readers will not only find four of his excellent wins from the European Team Championship (in the Games section), but his very special contribution column that will build your complete repertoire in the 2.c3 Sicilian. This is truly a book within a book; Informant 119 is bringing the first of four parts of this original analysis, made by the highly regarded opening expert.
The CI Labs opening section is here as well with two articles, both dedicated to the newest opening fashion: the Sicilian Najdorf [B90] by GM Dimitrios Mastrovasilis and the Semi-Tarrasch Defense [D41] by GM Milos Perunovic.
Chess is a global game! GM Sarunas Sulskis had a very pleasant trip to Iraq (!) where he played in and reported on an interesting but from some reason non-rated tournament, won by GM Sergey Tiviakov. Still another column in Informant 119 leads us to the Far East; Chess Asia by Philippine journalist and author Bobby Ang covers the high-prized Indonesian Open. You will find annotations by the participants GMs Oliver Barbosa and Ivan Ivanisevic, along with an interview with the winner, GM Alexei Dreev.
In the footsteps of his trainer, legendary GM Dragoljub Velimirovic, newest Serbian young lyon, GM Aleksandar Indjic is presenting his best games so far.
Are we missing something? Definitely yes! "Garry’s Choice" is indeed missing, but for one reason only: Kasparov’s campaign for FIDE President is underway! After the upcoming elections Garry will be back – that’s his personal promise to all Chess Informant readers.
All the above is in addition to the usual: In the traditional Games section there are 200+ games annotated by the players themselves along with our GM and IM staff. And do not forget to peruse the other sections: Combinations, Endings, and Studies etc.
The scintillating Chess Informant 119 Viking is here. Are you ready?
Josip Asik, CEO, Chess Informant
روش نصب:
این فایل جهت برش دستگاه لیزر بر روی ام دی اف 3 میل یا پلکسی طراحی شده و یک کار جدید میباشد که مشابه آن در بازار موجود نیست
این فایل برای برش ورق ام دی اف 3 میل یا پلکسی با دستگاه برش آماده شده و یکی از کارهای جدید و غیر موجود در بازار میباشد