گشایش دو اسب واریانت گامبی چیگورین
توسط بوریس آلترمن
فرمت فیلم: WMV
تعداد فیلم: 4
مدت فیلم: 2 ساعت 16 دقیقه
محصول ICC
4. Ng5 in the Two Knight's Defense is an interesting, sharp move that practically wins a pawn by force, but Siegbert Tarrasch called it a "duffer's move". We all know of the swashbuckling Wilkes-Barre Variation, Lolli Variation and the Traxler Counter-gambit that are all part of the sacrificial Fried Liver Attack. Now, in his latest Gambit Guide series for Chess.FM, GM Boris Alterman looks into what is regarded as a more common Black response, attributed to Mikhail Chigorin, the Father of Russian Chess, that eschews all of the complications with 4... d5 5. exd5 Na5.
دفاع سیسیلی واریانت اژدهای چینی حمله یوگسلاوی
توسط رونن هرزوی
فرمت فیلم: MP4
تعداد فیلم: 4
مدت فیلم: 1 ساعت 20 دقیقه
محصول ICC
Ronen's Opening Survey: The Chinese Dragon (4 part series). B78: Sicilian: chinese dragon, aka Yugoslav attack, 10.O-O-O. 2012 is the Year of the Dragon in China. We could not miss the opportunity to get into this popular and widely debated Opening Defense. Belgian Fide Master Luc Henris, who was living in China with his Chinese wife, christened the variation “Chinese Dragon” (e4 b5 Nf3 d6 d4 cxd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 g6 Be3 Bg7 f3 Nc6 Qd2 0-0 Bc4 Bd7 0-0-0 Rb8) when he wrote a ground-breaking article about it for Yearbook 62, and that is when the name Chinese Dragon came to the world. If you like aggressive action, then you are in for a treat. The Chinese Dragon is a new way to look at the Sicilian Dragon Defense, and allows Black to strike first in the pawn race. Many strong GMs play this variation, such as Magnus Carlsen, Teimour Radjabov and Vassily Ivanchuk. Usually in the Sicilian Defense, and especially the Dragon variation, Black will put his rook on c8, to get maximum pressure down the c-file. However, in the Chinese Dragon, Black puts his rook on b8 to allow a quick push of his b-pawn. The pawn is immune from capture due to the quick and deadly attack Black gets on both the b and c files. However, many opponents fall for the trap and eat the pawn. After putting his rook on b8 on move 10, Black's goal is simple. Play b5, Na5-Nc4, and force white to capture the knight, opening the b-file to attack down. After the b file is open, play Qb6 to double up on the b file, bring the other rook to c8 for maximum pressure, and if needed push the a pawn as well. It is a simple formula that can be played almost automatically. In his new series of the always interesting “Opening Survey” show, GM Ronen shows you all the “nip ‘n ’tips” of this intriguing variation of the Sicilian Defense.
by GM Roman Dzindzichashvili
آموزش روئی لوپز واریانت دفاع اشتاینتز برای سیاه
توسط رومن دزیندزیچاش ویلی
فرمت فیلم: mp4
تعداد فیلم: 2
مدت فیلم: 52 دقیقه
سطح : پیشرفته
محصول چس دات کام 2014
Sure, the Closed Spanish, Open Spanish and Berlin have all been popular at times in the last 30 years, but don't forget about another solid variation against the Lopez: the Steinitz Defense. Players looking for a solid structure with a minimal space disadvantage might just catch their opponents by surprise with 3...d6. Today GM Dzindzichashvili focuses on 4. d4 and both possible recaptures. If it is good enough for a preeminent theoretician, it it surely good enough for you!
GM Dzindzi wants to be a trend setter. For years he has played and studied 3...d6 in the Spanish Game and he can't figure out any clear route to an advantage for White. Today you'll see more of why he thinks top players will eventually switch from the Berlin to the Steinitz. He covers all the missing gaps from part one, including early c3 and c4 systems, as well as similarities to pawn structures from other openings like the Yugoslav attack in the Dragon. Be a trend setter and play the Steinitz
روی لوپز متفاوت تاخیر تعویض در واریانت تعویضی
توسط رونن هرزوی
فرمت فیلم: mp4
تعداد فیلم: 5
مدت فیلم: 1 ساعت 46 دقیقه
محصول ICC
Have you ever considered The DERLD? This was the acronym title given to the Delayed Exchange of the Ruy Lopez Differed with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Bxc6 by English authors Tony Swift & Len Pickett. While both authors were only top club players for Lewisham, in the early 1970s they collaborated on a series of critically-acclaimed opening research pamphlets (and many magazine articles). Their most famous was the DERLD, and their published analysis on it was even used by an untitled English player to crush one of the world's top theoreticians at the time, GM Ludek Pachman, in just 25 moves during a 1972 London tournament! However its modern-day treatment is considered more positional in nature, has a different character to it than that of the Exchange variation of the Ruy Lopez, and has been played by top GMs such as Mickey Adams and Gata Kamsky.
آموزش سیسیلی نایدروف واریانت پیاده مسموم
توسط رونن هرزوی
فرمت فیلم: MP4
تعداد فیلم: 6
زمان آموزش: 1 ساعت 52 دقیقه
محصول ICC
Back in the 60s and 70s everybody was playing the Sicilian Najdorf Variation, inspired by the genius of Bobby Fischer. One of the more controversial lines he championed in the mainline was the controversial Poisoned Pawn Variation with 7 …Qb6. After going out of fashion for a period, recently Sicilian aficionados have again resumed the maze-like challenges and complexities of the Fischer favorite, but this time with a new millennium twist of 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 Nbd7 7. f4 Qb6. And in a new series of Ronen's Opening Survey, our theoretical guru, GM Ronen Har-Zvi casts a critical eye over this modern-day treatment of the Poisoned pawn.