دانلود کتاب دایره المعارف اشتباهات گشایشهای شطرنج
Encyclopedia of Errors in Chess Openings
شامل 4000 دیاگرام و مینیاتور شطرنج
نویسنده Anatoly Matsukevitch
با دو فرمت djvu-cbh
تعداد صفحات 801
زبان انگلیسی با درک و فهم آسان با زبان سنبلیک شطرنج
$27.32 دلار
A book by the famous chess master and theoretician Anatoly Matsukevitch is an unusual textbook on playing various openings. For the first time in the world chess practice a single book includes as many as 4000 miniatures. Games of no more than 12 or 13 moves are classified by the openings and accompanied with both useful and clear explanations in several languages. The book is aimed at a wide range of chess readers starting from the very beginners in chess. Included through the book are a collection small cartoons from the most famous players and victims.
برای مشاهده کتاب های شطرنج با فرمت djvu نرم افزار را از اینجا دانلود کنید
دانلود کتاب ارزشمند Encyclopedia of Chess Problems
نویسندگان Milan Velimirovic and Kari Valtonen
با دو فرمت : pdf-djvu نسخه اصلی
تعداد صفحات 522
انتشارات : chessinformant.rs
Every fan of chess composition can find in this book some thing of interest. The undersigned finds appeal in most aspects of the book, but being biased by his personal composing activity, particularly so in the core parts referring to themes and terms. For the undersigned, browsing through these extensive parts has been a fascinating "journey among the stars". Nowadays it seems that the time of basic themes is over. The time of the more complex themes has come, but these must preserve a number of basic characteristics: internal coherence and logic, a high prospective for inspiring composing and a strong survival capability which can only be verified over time. The themes should expose the potentials hidden in the contingent rules of chess - their power to create things of beauty, which in the case of chess compositions are dependent entities, as they are man-made. Beauty in chess composition is not constant but a dynamic concept. Taste will change over time, and like the stars in the skies, themes have their periods of flourishing and decline, depending on the amount of life or energy they possess, and how long it will take for each to burn its entire vitality before turning into a white dwarf. This book seems to have taken these or similar criteria into consideration. Hopefully the number of counter-examples is negligible and can easily be adjusted in a future edition. This comprehensive encyclopedia is special in our field of chess composition and will be enjoyed by chess players as well. It is a must in the library of all lovers of chess problems and studies." - Uri Avner, GM of Chess Composition, Honorary President of the WFCC
با دو فرمت زیر:
با فرمت :djvu
,وفرمت pgn - cbv
(Encyclopedia of Chess Endings V - Minor piece (Knight and Bishop
ECE V: Minor piece - Knight and Bishop Endings
2017 endings, 563 pages, 1st edition 1993.
Authors: Alexander Beliavsky, Lubomir Ftacnik, Boris Gelfand, Robert Hubner, Anatoly Karpov, Adrian Mikhalchishin, John Nunn, Jonathan Speelman and Jan Timman.
Classic book.
Encyclopedia of Chess Endings I - Pawns Ending.pdf
تعداد صفحات 458
در این شماره استاد بزرگ رومنز 47 گشایش را با طرح های روشن برای سفید و سیاه به شما آموزش می دهد و میتوانید بسیاری از مشکلات گشایشهای باز خود را حل کنید همچنین آموزش استراتژی وسط بازی و طرحهای برنده برای سفید و سیاه در گشایش مدرن پیرک و شروع بازی مدرن و گشایشهای غافلیگر کننده مانند b6 و g6 در مقابل حرکت 1.e4
یکی از محبوبترین شماره های رومنز
Roman gives you his preferred lines for White and Black against 47 different openings.
On this DVD Roman gives you easy and quick to learn lines that provide a clear plan that will solve your opening problems. Cliff Notes, new powerful lines against:
زمان: 80 minutes