کوشا فایل

کوشا فایل بانک فایل ایران ، دانلود فایل و پروژه

کوشا فایل

کوشا فایل بانک فایل ایران ، دانلود فایل و پروژه

بودجه جنگ(سال مالی 2012)

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بودجه جنگ(سال مالی 2012)




The Army Budget


f i s c a l y e a r 2 0 1 2

an analysis


As I write this letter, I am reflecting on the fact that ten years have passed since the cowardly attacks of 11 September


2001. For ten years, this nation has experienced continuous war, and for ten years thousands of Americans have volunteered

to join the fight. For ten years, more than 100,000 Reservists have stepped forward. For ten years, thousands of

Army civilians have also deployed to those theaters to support America’s Soldiers. For the past ten years—as for the 226

years that came before—America’s Army has fulfilled its commitment to its fellow Americans.

America’s Soldiers continue the fight in some of the most difficult places in the world. They are training local forces

and working with local citizens to make positive change in their lives. Our Soldiers are making progress in the Army’s

mission to defeat terrorism—yet the international environment is perhaps more threatening, complex and uncertain than

at the beginning of the century. At the same time, America’s Army has made great strides to reset the force and provide

the nation with a flexible force for the 21st century






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