by Or Cohen
کتاب مجموعه گشایش نیرومند برای سیاه
توسط : اورکوهن
فرمت: pdf
تعداد صفحات: 431
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
ناشر: (New In Chess (February 7, 2014
In amateur chess games, the most popular opening move for White is 1.e4, and the most reliable reply for Black is 1..e5, says FIDE Master Or Cohen. In this book, Cohen has created a vibrant and robust opening repertoire for Black after 1…e5, based on the Petroff Defence. Cohen presents inventive ways for Black to fight for the initiative in this dependable opening. He covers the entire spectrum, the main variations as well as the most unexpected and bizarre sidelines. In case White does not allow the Petroff, Cohen offers a set of recommendations for Black that is no less important and principled; his repertoire against the Vienna and the King’s Gambit, for example, is new and explosive. Most amateur White players faced with the Petroff will think that they will have an easy time, based on the peaceful reputation of this great opening among top grandmasters. Black players who have studied Or Cohen’s book will make their life quite miserable.
توسط جان واتسون
فرمت فیلم: mp4
تعداد فیلم: 4
مدت فیلم: 2 ساعت 17 دقیقه
محصول ICC
The Triangle Structure in the Semi-Slav (4 part series) The triangle structure is usually associated with the Semi-Slav defense. In this series, IM John Watson shows some very famous games, such as Topalov vs. Kramnik (World Championship), to illustrate yet another important pawn structure: Black's pawn form a triangle in e6, d5 and c6, creating a barrier and controlling the center.
سری جدیدگشایش های غیر معمول سیاه در برابر E4
توسط جان واتسون
فرمت فیلم: MP4
تعداد فیلم: 2
زمان آموزش: 1 ساعت 18 دقیقه
محصول: ICC
1.e4 unusual replies(2 part series) IM John Watson is a renowned chess teacher, and with his new show he's going to put at your service his great teaching experience. In these videos, IM Watson is going to help you build your own opening repertoire, explaining the ideas that lie behind the moves; that's it, you won't have to memorize long sequences of moves in order to play your openings! Watson's lectures are going to sharpen your chess-sense, make you aware of what's going on over the 64-square beloved piece of wood (or the few pixels that it takes to see a board on your screen), and get a good "feeling" about your position. Every Tuesday at 3:00pm ICC time, don't miss the new and amazing Chess.FM show: Sharpen your chess-sense with IM John Watson! This week IM Watson concludes is new series on the unusual replies to 1.e4. Don't miss this formative and interesting series, and 'store' another great piece of opening repertoire for your future successes!
دامهای شروع بازی سیاه
جذب حریف خود به باتلاق فیلیدور
توسط سرگئی کاسپاروف
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحات: 334
ناشر:(New In Chess,Csi (June 15, 2015
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
Taking your opponent out of his comfort zone is a good idea to start your game with. Grandmaster Sergey Kasparov pushes this concept one step further: lure your opponent onto the slippery paths of the Philidor Swamp!
Kasparov presents an original and shrewd opening for Black against 1.e4, the most popular opening move among amateurs.
After Black’s third move, White is confronted with a stark choice: either to continue on the road of the calm Philidor Defence, or to immediately gain almost two tempi by forcing Black into an endgame that looks better for White, if not close to winning.
This second option, however, is a treacherous road strewn with pitfalls as Kasparov demonstrates in his fresh, humorous and persuasive style. White will walk into the Philidor Swamp in which he runs a big risk of getting stuck.
Sergey Kasparov does not bother the amateur reader with variations of 15 or 20 moves deep, but concentrates on the plans and counterplans for both Black and White.
The Queen’s Gambit Accepted: A Repertoire for Black
by Sam Collins
گامبی وزیرپذیرفته شده برای سیاه
توسط سام کالینز
سطح: پیشرفته، بازیکنان مسابقات
زمان آموزش: 3 ساعت 30 دقیقه
محصول چیس بیس
In this DVD Sam Collins presents a repertoire for Black based on the Queen’s Gambit Accepted, 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4. Rather than get involved in the heavy theory of the Classical Main Line, the lynchpin of the repertoire is the active development of the queen’s bishop, after 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.e3, with 4…Bg4, a system used regularly by several GMs including Miles and Kogan. The resulting positions have close similarities to the Nimzo Indian and Slav Defences, and Collins explains the way for Black to approach the middlegame with confidence based on a blockade and light square strategy. The popular 3.e3 is met with 3…e5 followed by active development. The most ambitious main option at White’s disposal, 3.e4, is met by 3…Nc6, a long time favourite of GMs Baburin and Stevic and one which gives Black rich tactical possibilities of breaking down the white centre. Finally, gambit lines with Nc3 and the positional approach with an early Qa4+ are also covered. The resulting repertoire is solid, reliable, and suitable as either a main weapon or an occassional surprise choice. Video running time: 3 hours 30 min