آموزش دفاع کاروکان حمله پانوف
توسط بوریس آلترمن
فرمت فیلم: wmv
تعداد فیلم: 3
مدت فیلم: 1 ساعت 39 دقیقه
موضوع فیلم: گشایش
نام گشایش: حمله پانوف کاروکان
محصول ICC
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 c4
GM Boris Alterman looks at the Panov-Botvinnik Attack against the Caro-Kann Defense - a line that can also be transposed to from many openings, including the Queen's Gambit and the Nimzo-Indian Defense The Panov-Botvinnik Attack has a unique important place in chess lore. After Capablanca adopted the Caro-Kann, it assumed a status as the solid way for Black to escape attacking efforts of e4 players. But Vasily Panov, a Soviet master, theoretician and Chess correspondent for Izvestia, took a different view of the situation and decided to test Blacks mettle with the direct action of 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 c4. Mikhail Botvinnik picked up on this and quickly formed it into a potent weapon that has since become the choice of determined king pawn players.
by John Emms
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توسط جان اممس
فرمت: PDF - CBV - PGN
تعداد صفحات: 304
ناشر: Everyman Chess
بهمراه آپدیت جدید
آنچه در این مجموعه خواهید آموخت:
In this book, three opening specialists team up and take a contemporary look at the Caro-Kann, one of the most popular chess openings. Instead of analysing the well-trodden main lines they concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations, selecting a wealth of ‘dangerous' options for both colours. Whether playing White or Black, a study of this book will leave you confident and fully-armed, and your opponents running for cover!
آموزش مجموعه کامل گشایش کاروکان
توسط یووانسکا هوسکا
فرمت: pdf
تعداد صفحات: 452
ناشر: (Everyman Chess (May 7, 2015
اورجینال با قابلیت کپی و چاپ
آنچه در این مجموعه خواهید آموخت:
The Caro-Kann Defense remains a very popular option for Black at all levels of chess. It has always enjoyed a solid reputation, but if anything its popularity has increased in recent years with the realization that the Caro-Kann can also be employed with the intention of reaching sharp dynamic positions, rich in possibilities for both sides and with a guarantee of genuine counterplay for Black.
In this book, International Master Jovanka Houska presents the reader with a complete Caro-Kann repertoire, which is based primarily on her own repertoire she has used with success over many years at international level. Houska provides a comprehensive update on her popular 2007 book Play the Caro-Kann and focuses on key new developments since then. She offers solutions against all of White's main options and efficient methods to deal with tricky sidelines. She examines important tactical and strategic plans for both sides and deals with key move order issues. This book tells you everything you need to know about playing the Caro-Kann.
آموزش دفاع کاروکان با واریانت های پیشرفته
توسط جان واتسون
فرمت فیلم: mp4
تعداد فیلم: 2
مدت فیلم: 1 ساعت 3 دقیقه
محصول: ICC
Caro-Kann (2 part series) Another great piece of chess opening theory in this series by IM John Watson. Again against 1.e4, one of the most used replies is 1. … c6, the Caro-Kann. The Caro–Kann is a common defense against the King's Pawn Opening and is classified as a "Semi-Open Game" like the Sicilian Defense and French Defense, although it is thought to be more solid and less dynamic than either of those openings. It often leads to good endgames for Black, who has the better pawn structure. Watson explains this famous Defense with his usual pragmatic approach, to help you understand all the main motives of the opening.
Winning with the fantasy variation
پیروزی با واریانت فانتزی
توسط لارنس ترنت
سطح:پیشرفته، بازیکنان مسابقات
زمان آموزش: 60 دقیقه
محصول چیس بیس
دارای فایل pgn برای استفاده در اندروید و کامپیوتر
The Fantasy Variation (1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.f3) is a tricky try by White to steer the game into muddy waters right from the off and take Black away from the solid positions he is accustomed to in the main line variations of the Caro-Kann. Traditionally the opening never gained too much credibility amongst top players, since White's attempt to preserve his pawn centre at the cost of weakening his kingside was hardly seen as a major threat to the super-reliable Caro. However, thanks to a wave of news ideas and innovations first introduced at the 2010 European Individual Championships and many more thereafter, the variation has made a major comeback and can now be found in the repertoires of some of the world's best. In this 60 minute video, IM Lawrence Trent will discuss the 5 main variations Black has at his disposal but how with each one White has a number of ways to keep the position full of play and dynamic possibilities, leading to games which loyal Caro players will have difficulty dealing with.