ورژن: U7015_130525
حجم: 523 مگابایت
تاریخ ارائه: 2013-06-01
دانلود رام رسمی اوپو Find Way (U7015)
ورژن: U7015_130525
حجم: 523 مگابایت
تاریخ ارائه: 2013-06-01
Find the Right Plan with Anatoly Karpov
یافتن طرح مناسب با آناتولی کارپف
توسط آناتولی کارپف
فرمت:pdf -djvu
تعداد صفحات: 256
انتشارات باتسفورت
Can average chess players learn to plan their games like a grandmaster? Anatoly Karpov—the winningest world champion in history—says yes! With examples from his own matches, he breaks planning down into logical steps: evaluate the position, mobilize your forces, guard against threats to your king, control open lines. Through an orderly process, the attentive student will arrive at not just a plan, but the right plan. And as Karpov himself says, “Finding the right plan is the key to success.” Warmly and accessibly written, the book is an irresistible invitation to absorb a bit of the Karpov magic.