Decision making in chess
تصمیم گیری در شطرنج
توسط آدریان میخائیل چیشین
سطح: بازیکنان مسابقات، حرفه ای
زمان آموزش: 3 ساعت 26 دقیقه
محصول چیس بیس
The theory of the critical moment in the chess game was explained once by GM Iosif Dorfman, who suggested that every game has 5 or 6 “forks” at which the important decisions are made. Accordingly, all major erroneous decisions are made at these moments when there are multiple possible choices. Mikhalchishin describes different critical moments in detail and explains how to react correctly. Understanding the play at such a critical moment is the key to improving one’s results and general understanding of chess. Critical moments are characterized by the presence of between 2 and 4 different possibilities – the exchange of pieces, the calculation of a long variation, a positional solution or transposition into an endgame. Mikhalchishin shows how to perform correctly in the above situations. Video playing time: 3 h 26 min.
The Semi-Open Game in Action
گشایش های نیمه بازدرعمل
توسط آناتولی کارپف
تعداد صفحات: 138
انتشارات باتسفورد
The open games, which commence 1 e4 e5, are some of the most exciting and
important in chess. In this, the first of a four-volume series covering all of the
major openings, former World Champion Anatoly Karpov presents a survey of
the sicilian defence, caro-kann defence, french defence, pirc-ufimtsev defence. Complete games from recent Grandmaster play
are analysed in depth, so that the reader sees the logical connection of the
opening to the middlegame (and beyond).
This is not only an excellent book for players wishing to improve their
understanding of the opening; it is also highly entertaining, and all players will
find much to enjoy.
Anatoly Karpov was World Champion from 1975 to 1985, during which time he
dominated the chess world, becoming the most successful tournament player
in history. His recent epic struggles with Gary Kasparov have proved that he is
the only player in the world capable of successfully challenging Kasparov for
the World Championship.