مقالات علمی پژوهشی چاپ شده با فرمت pdf صفحات 18
Abstract. Facility location selection is a multi-criteria decision problem and has a strategic importance for many companies. In this study, an integrated approach which employs fuzzy prioritization method (FPM) and preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE) together is proposed for facility location selection problem. The FPM is used to analyse the structure of facility location selection problem and to determine weights of the criteria, and PROMETHEE method is used to obtain final ranking, and to make a sensitivity analysis by changing the weights. A numerical example demonstrates the application of the proposed method.
Keywords: Fuzzy logic, FPM, PROMETHEE, Facility location selection, GAIA, Genetic algorithm.
facility location selection:a new integrated approach with fuzzy prioritization method and promethee based on genetic algorithm