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کوشا فایل بانک فایل ایران ، دانلود فایل و پروژه

کوشا فایل

کوشا فایل بانک فایل ایران ، دانلود فایل و پروژه

Color Atlas of Genetics

اختصاصی از کوشا فایل Color Atlas of Genetics دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

Color Atlas of Genetics

Color Atlas of Genetics

Eberhard Passarge, MD
Professor of Human Genetics
Former Director
Institute of Human Genetics
University Hospital Essen
Essen, Germany
Third edition, revised and updated
With 202 color plates prepared
by Jürgen Wirth

Passarge, Genetics, 3rd edition © 2007 Thieme

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Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals

اختصاصی از کوشا فایل Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals

Essentials of Medical Genetics for Health Professionals

Copyright © 2011 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Gunder, Laura M.
Essentials of medical genetics for health professionals / Laura M. Gunder,
Scott A. Martin.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-5960-5 (pbk.)
ISBN-10: 0-7637-5960-0 (pbk.)
1. Medical genetics. I. Martin, Scott A. II. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Genetics, Medical. 2. Genetic Diseases, Inborn—diagnosis. 3.
Genetic Diseases, Inborn—therapy. QZ 50 G975e 2011]
RB155.G895 2011

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مقاله Quantification of hearing loss

اختصاصی از کوشا فایل مقاله Quantification of hearing loss دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

مقاله Quantification of hearing loss

مقاله Quantification of hearing loss

تعداد صفحات : 8
فرمت فایل : word (قابل ویرایش)
فهرست مطالب :
Quantification of hearing loss
Age of onset of deafness
Pre-lingual deafness
Post-lingual deafness
Unilateral hearing loss
Non-hearing auditory impairment
As discussed above, there are three major types of hearing loss: neural/sensorineural, conductive, or a combination of both. Treatment depends upon the type of hearing loss that is present.
Quantification of hearing loss
An audiologist conducting an audiometric hearing test in a sound-proof testing booth
The severity of hearing loss is measured by the degree of loudness, as measured in decibels, a sound must attain before being detected by an individual. Hearing loss may be ranked as mild, moderate, severe or profound. It is quite common for someone to have more than one degree of hearing loss (i.e. mild sloping to severe). The following list shows the rankings and
their corresponding decibel ranges:
• Mild:
o for adults: between 25 and 40 dB
o for children: between 20 and 40 dB
• Moderate: between 41 and 55 dB
• Moderately severe: between 56 and 70 dB
• Severe: between 71 and 90 dB
• Profound: 90 dB or greater
The quietest sound one can hear at different frequencies is plotted on an audiogram to reflect one's ability to hear at different frequencies. The range of normal human hearing (from the softest audible sound to the loudest comfortable sound) is so great that the audiogram must be plotted using a logarithmic scale. This large normal range, and the different amounts of hearing loss at different frequencies, make it virtually impossible to accurately describe the amount of hearing loss in simple terms such as percentages or the rankings above.
Measuring hearing loss in terms of a percentage is debatable in terms of effectiveness, and has been compared to measuring weight in inches. Though in specific legal situations, where decibels of loss are converted via a recognized legal formula, one can infer a standardized "percentage of hearing loss" which is suitable for legal purposes only.
Another method for determining hearing loss, is the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT). HINT technology was developed by the House Ear Institute, and is intended to measure an ability to understand speech in quiet and noisy environments. Unlike pure-tone tests, where only one ear is tested at a time, HINT evaluates hearing using both ears simultaneously (binaural), as binaural hearing is essential for communication in noisy environments, and for sound localization.
Age of onset of deafness
The age at which the deafness develops is crucial to spoken language acquisition. Post-lingual deafness are far more common than pre-lingual deafness.
If the hearing loss occurs at a young age, interference with the acquisition of spoken language and social skills may occur. Hearing aids, which amplify the incoming sound, may alleviate some of the problems caused by hearing impairment, but are often insufficient. Cochlear implants artificially stimulate the VIIIth Nerve by providing an electric impulse substitution for the firing of hair cells. Cochlear implants are not only expensive, but require sophisticated programming in conjunction with patient training for effectiveness. People who have hearing impairments, especially those who develop a hearing problem in childhood or old age, require support and technical adaptations as part of the rehabilitation process.

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فیلم آموزشی قدرت تعویض در شطرنج Power of Exchange

اختصاصی از کوشا فایل فیلم آموزشی قدرت تعویض در شطرنج Power of Exchange دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

فیلم آموزشی قدرت تعویض در شطرنج Power of Exchange

فیلم آموزشی قدرت تعویض در شطرنج Power of Exchange

Power of Exchange

by  Adrian Mikhalchishin

 قدرت تعویض در شطرنج

توسط آدریان میخائیل چشن

سطح: بازیکنان مسابقات، حرفه ای

مدت فیلم: 3 ساعت

محصول چس بیس

 روش صحیح تعویض ازمهم ترین توانایی های استاد بزرگ است که  به مبادله مهره و یا آنها را نگه دارد، با پس گرفتن یک مهره و یا با یک پیاده، این پرسش است که هر بازیکن در هر سطح برای چندین بار پاسخ در طول یک بازی است. بزرگترین تفاوت بین استاد بزرگ و آماتور در دانش شروع بازی و یا در قدرت محاسبه است، اما در این روش ساده است. حتی بوتوینیک بزرگ گفته که شطرنج فقط مبادلات متعدد است. او تکنیک های بازی فیشررا توضیح می دهد که: او همیشه مهره های بد را با مهره های قوی حریف رد و بدل می کرد.






The correct technique of exchanging is the most important ability of Grandmasters! Which pieces to swap and which pieces to keep, whether to recapture with a piece or with a pawn, these are questions which every player of every level has to answer many times during a single game. And the greatest difference between GMs and amateurs is not in opening knowledge or in calculation power, but in this simple technique. The great Botvinnik even said that chess is just multiple exchanges. He explained Fischer’s technique of play: He had never bad pieces - he always exchanged them for his opponent’s strong pieces. Video running time: 3 hrs.

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فیلم آموزش کامل دفاع آلخین ویرایش دوم The ABC of Alekhine - 2nd Edition

اختصاصی از کوشا فایل فیلم آموزش کامل دفاع آلخین ویرایش دوم The ABC of Alekhine - 2nd Edition دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پرسرعت .

فیلم آموزش کامل دفاع آلخین ویرایش دوم The ABC of Alekhine - 2nd Edition

فیلم آموزش کامل دفاع آلخین ویرایش دوم The ABC of Alekhine - 2nd Edition

The ABC of Alekhine - 2nd Edition

by  Andrew Martin

آموزش کامل دفاع آلخین ویرایش دوم 

توسط اندرو مارتین

سطح: مبتدی، پیشرفته

مدت فیلم: 7 ساعت 30 دقیقه

محصول chessbase

این بازی طرح به خصوص موثر در سطح باشگاه، که در آن دانش تئوری ها دقیقا ناقص و در آن یک پاسخ منفی به تجاوز فوری، امری عادی است. بنابراین در ABC به طور کامل به روز شده از آلخین،  نگاه کنید که چگونه این گشایش در سال 2011 می ایستد. 1 ... Nf6 بنظر می رسد که آینده ای روشن و پایداردارد. IM اندرو مارتین   توصیه فعال برای سیاه فراهم می کند که با گذشت زمان اصلاح شده در صورت لزوم  می تواند در تمام سطوح از بازی استفاده شود.  دست کم گرفتن دفاع آلخین در واقع یک اشتباه بزرگ خواهد بود.


This is a particularly effective game-plan at club level, where knowledge of exact theory is sketchy and where a passive response to immediate aggression is commonplace. So in the fully updated ABC of the Alekhine, we take a look at how the opening stands in 2011. 1...Nf6 seems to have a bright and enduring future. IM Andrew Martin provides sound, active recommendations for Black, modified if necessary to account for the passing of time and which can be used at all levels of play. To underestimate Alekhine‘s Defence would be a big mistake indeed!

Video running time: 7 h 30 min!

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